Featured Experience


The Absolut.Land experience will reopen its doors on April 14 at 12PM PST with enhanced builds inspired by its “Born To Mix – World of Absolut Cocktails”. Users will be able to compete in an exciting Dance Battle to win new Absolut legendary wearables! Users are invited to stop by, dance, and be their true authentic selves. Absolut.Land will feature cocktail themed wearables, music from Two Friends and vending machines to order cocktails to user’s doorstep!

APRIL 15,16,17,21,22,23 2023 | -72,35 DECENTRALAND



Here are some of the places our activations have been featured:

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We create gamified, 3D, digital activations inside virtual worlds and video games that amplify your marketing campaigns with rich user-generated content and keep audiences engaged for hours on end, driving conversions.

Whether you're envisioning an activation in an established virtual world, seeking to pioneer in a fresh digital landscape, or dreaming of your own exclusive game, PARCEL PARTY is your ultimate metaverse architect, sculpting experiences that captivate, engage, and leave a lasting impact!

Here are some of the benefits of 3D immersive activations:

  • With a worldwide audience at their fingertips, brands can effortlessly amplify their reach, resonating with both existing loyalists and attracting new aficionados.

  • The metaverse offers an unparalleled platform to unveil products in 3D, interactive settings, letting consumers experience them virtually before purchasing.

  • Curate VIP metaverse experiences, from private product launches to exclusive virtual after-parties, enhancing the brand's premium appeal.

  • Harness real-time data from metaverse interactions, providing invaluable insights into consumer preferences, behaviors, and trends — essential for brands to stay ahead of the curve.

  • By hosting virtual events or campaigns, big brands can reduce their carbon footprint, emphasizing their commitment to sustainability and resonating with eco-conscious consumers.

  • Partner with other brands, influencers, or creators within the metaverse for joint activations, magnifying the buzz and drawing diverse audiences.

  • Seamlessly integrate content from previous campaigns, advertisements, or brand milestones within the metaverse, paying homage to the brand's rich history.

  • Secure prime virtual real estate or assets within popular metaverse platforms, positioning the brand as a key player in the evolving digital realm.

  • Brands can offer unique, tailored experiences for their loyal customers, fostering even deeper connections and loyalty within the metaverse.

  • Link metaverse activations with other digital platforms, ensuring a consistent and integrated brand experience across all touchpoints.

  • Beyond consumers, the metaverse provides a novel platform for engaging stakeholders, investors, or partners in unique brand experiences.

  • From exclusive virtual merchandise to premium digital experiences, brands can tap into new and lucrative monetization avenues.

  • Embrace the cutting-edge technologies powering the metaverse, reinforcing the brand's image as a tech-savvy, future-forward entity

  • Create expansive and immersive digital headquarters, showcasing the brand’s legacy and vision, and solidifying the brand’s position as industry leaders in the digital frontier.

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